So, it seems starting your own wedding business is a bit like organising a wedding.
The wedding process starts with a proposal, as does a business. You find your self smiling at the idea of starting out on a new adventure, and dreams of what it will look like, how it will work with 101 ideas flying around your mind, keeping you awake at night.
You get your ideas down on paper, chat with your partner and discuss what you want to achieve and lay down some plans together. Then comes the research. Googling, pinning, insta, #wedding, #weddinginspiration, #weddingday, #venuedecor, following suppliers on FB, cutting pics out of magazines (old school!), visiting wedding fayres. Your mind buzzes with all the options, choices, roads you could go down.
After some thinking time, things settle and you can see in your minds' eye what your Big Day/business will look like. You go out there and put the big stones in place.
Venue, photographer, caterer.
Props, photographer, website.
There's a whirl of activity to get those things in place.
And then comes the pause.
For a wedding, there's some downtime between the initial planning and the next flurry of activity. It's the same for a business. I have my items, ready to hire. I've set them up, photographed them. I've built a website and learnt lots in the process. I've try to ensure the site is search engine optimised ( I didn't know that phrase a year ago). FB is up and running, insta is out there and growing followers every day. But there's a pause. A pause, waiting for the first enquiry to come in. How long will it be? Should I expect to wait a day, a week, a month?
Like the bride and groom, the pause has to be lived through, but before long, it will all be go, go, GO....and I for one, cannot wait.
